BRC mesh

BRC mesh, also known as welded wire mesh or reinforcement mesh, is a type of steel reinforcement material that is commonly used in construction. Here are some of the most common types of BRC mesh:

  1. Standard mesh: This is the most common type of BRC mesh, and it is available in a range of sizes and wire diameters. Standard mesh is typically used for general-purpose reinforcement in concrete structures such as foundations, walls, and columns.
  2. Ribbed mesh: Ribbed mesh has a textured surface that provides better bonding with concrete. This type of mesh is often used in applications where high strength and load-bearing capacity are required, such as in bridges and high-rise buildings.
  3. Square mesh: Square mesh has a square pattern of wires that is ideal for applications where a flat surface is required, such as in flooring and pavements.
  4. Rectangular mesh: Rectangular mesh has a rectangular pattern of wires that is ideal for applications where longer spans are required, such as in precast concrete beams and slabs.
  5. Brick force mesh: Brick force mesh is a type of BRC mesh that is used to reinforce brickwork and blockwork walls. It is placed between the courses of bricks or blocks and helps to distribute the load evenly across the wall.
  6. Anti-climb mesh: Anti-climb mesh is a type of BRC mesh that is used to prevent unauthorized access to buildings and other secure areas. It has a tight pattern of wires that makes it difficult to climb or cut.

Overall, the type of BRC mesh that is best for a particular application will depend on factors such as the strength and load-bearing capacity required, as well as the specific design and construction requirements.

Binding wire

Binding wire, also known as tie wire or baling wire, is a thin, flexible wire that is commonly used in construction and manufacturing. Here are some of the most common uses of binding wire:

  1. Reinforcing steel: Binding wire is often used to secure reinforcing steel bars (rebar) in concrete structures, such as buildings, bridges, and roads. The wire is wrapped tightly around the rebar to hold it in place during the concrete pouring process.
  2. Mesh fencing: Binding wire is used to secure mesh fencing panels to posts. The wire is wrapped around the mesh and the post, and twisted tight to create a secure attachment.
  3. Packaging: Binding wire is used in packaging and shipping to secure bundles of items, such as pipes, tubes, and cables. The wire is wrapped tightly around the bundle and twisted to hold it in place.
  4. Crafts: Binding wire is used in a variety of craft projects, such as jewelry making and sculpture. The wire can be bent and shaped to create intricate designs.
  5. Horticulture: Binding wire is used in horticulture to support and train plants. The wire is wrapped around the plant and a stake or trellis, and twisted tight to hold the plant in place.
  6. Upholstery: Binding wire is used in upholstery to secure springs to the frame of a piece of furniture. The wire is wrapped around the spring and the frame, and twisted tight to hold the spring in place.

Overall, binding wire is a versatile and useful material that is used in a wide range of applications. Its flexibility and strength make it ideal for securing and holding materials together.


There are many types of tiles available on the market, each with its own unique properties and advantages. Here are some of the most common types of tiles:

  1. Ceramic tiles: Ceramic tiles are made from clay that is fired at a high temperature to create a hard, durable surface. They are available in a wide range of colors and designs, and can be used for flooring, walls, and countertops.
  2. Porcelain tiles: Porcelain tiles are similar to ceramic tiles, but are made from a denser type of clay that is fired at an even higher temperature. They are more durable and resistant to moisture, making them ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens, and other high-moisture areas.
  3. Natural stone tiles: Natural stone tiles are made from materials such as marble, granite, limestone, and slate. They are highly durable and have a natural beauty that is unmatched by other types of tiles. However, they can be more expensive than ceramic or porcelain tiles.
  4. Glass tiles: Glass tiles are made from thin pieces of glass that are fused together to create a smooth, translucent surface. They are available in a range of colors and can be used to add a decorative touch to walls and backsplashes.
  5. Mosaic tiles: Mosaic tiles are small tiles that are arranged in patterns or designs to create a larger image or picture. They are available in a variety of materials, including glass, ceramic, and natural stone, and can be used to add a decorative touch to floors, walls, and other surfaces.
  6. Vinyl tiles: Vinyl tiles are a synthetic option that are designed to mimic the look of natural materials such as wood or stone. They are durable, easy to install, and affordable, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.

Overall, the type of tile that is best for a particular project will depend on factors such as the location, budget, and design preferences. It is important to consider the durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal of each type of tile before making a decision.

Ridge roofing

Ridge roofing, also known as ridge cap roofing, is a type of roofing that is used to cover the peak of a sloped roof where two sides meet. The ridge is the highest point on a roof and is typically the area most vulnerable to water leaks and damage from wind or weather. Ridge roofing serves both a functional and an aesthetic purpose, providing protection from the elements while also improving the appearance of the roof.

Here are some key features and benefits of ridge roofing:

  1. Material: Ridge roofing can be made from a variety of materials, including asphalt shingles, metal, clay tiles, or wood shakes. The choice of material will depend on factors such as climate, cost, and aesthetic preferences.
  2. Installation: Ridge roofing is typically installed after the main roofing material has been installed. It is placed over the ridge of the roof and secured with nails or other fasteners. Ridge roofing is designed to be slightly raised above the main roofing material to allow for ventilation and to prevent moisture buildup.
  3. Protection: Ridge roofing serves an important protective function by sealing the peak of the roof against water leaks and preventing wind and weather damage. It also helps to keep pests and debris from entering the attic space.
  4. Aesthetics: Ridge roofing can be an attractive feature of a roof, adding a finishing touch to the overall look of the home. The choice of material, color, and texture can be customized to complement the rest of the roof and the style of the home.
  5. Durability: Ridge roofing is designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing many years of protection and aesthetic appeal. Proper installation and maintenance can help to ensure that the ridge roofing remains in good condition over time.

Overall, ridge roofing is an important component of a well-designed and functional roof. It provides protection from the elements while also adding to the aesthetic appeal of the home. The choice of material and installation method will depend on various factors, including climate, budget, and personal preferences.

Nyumba Mabati

Corrugated Group’s response to a market that seeks roofing solutions that combine functional requirements for roofing sheets and aesthetic attractiveness is Nyumba Colourcot Mabati. Unlike other pre-painted roofing manufacturers in the area, Nyumba Colourcot’s brilliant colors are strong, long-lasting, and distinctive. Additionally, by minimizing corrosion and direct effects from the weather, pre-painting the roofing sheets extends the life of the mabati.

With the inclusion of the Nyumba Tile Profiles (i.e. Nyumba Classical, Nyumba Bricktile, and Nyumba Wavetile) and the Nyumba Crimped/Curved Sheets, all of our Nyumba Galvanized Roofing Sheet profiles are available as pre-painted Nyumba Colourcot Mabati.

Available Colours

Sky Blue

Brick Red

Tile Red

Dark Green

Pantone Green

Charcoal Grey

Valentine Red



  1. A building with excellent thermal insulation uses less electricity to heat in the winter and cool in the summer.
  2. Using natural lighting lessens the need for artificial lighting.
  3. It offers a healthier interior for people and furniture by blocking UV radiation.
  4. Lightweight materials require less materials and accessories and lessen the energy required for transportation because they do not require a heavy subframe.
  5. Complete recycling.
    The term “daylighting” in architecture refers to the practice of allowing natural light into structures in order to reap a variety of advantages, including improved visual comfort and productivity, better health, and greater energy savings. Reaching a balance is necessary to achieve optimal quantities of sunshine, as too much can result in uncomfortable glare and massive amounts of heat.