

Fire Retardant ACP

A Fire Retardant ACP sheet is made in the form of a honeycomb design that brings down the intensity of the fire and the heat produced from any fire outbreak. The air bubbles situated between the honeycomb design ensure to trap the fire by creating a vacuum in between the layers.

Non-Combustible ACP

It is the same as a traditional composite panel; however, what makes it different is the technology of the core, which is constructed from a 100% aluminium structure rather than any combustible material. It is made of an advanced mineral compound that is best for restraining the flammability of the minor polymeric content and restricting flame propagation and smoke generation.

Anti-Bacterial ACP

Anti-bacterial ACP sheets actively shield you and your loved ones from harmful bacteria such as coliform, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, enteritis bacteria etc.

Based on thickness;

3mm ACP

Aluminium Composite Panels having 3mm thickness, it has two layers of Aluminium both over and beneath the core. The thickness ensures longevity, as well as the thickness, being ideal both for exterior and interior applications.

4mm ACP

ACP sheets that boast a 4mm thickness are ideal to have multiple use cases, including both interior and exterior applications.

6mm ACP

6mm ACP sheets can withstand not only extreme temperatures but also are water-resistant. They can also actively resist mold, swelling, and rusting.

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